KU NE RT LO OK PA GE 28 02 D EV EL OP IN G T HE FU TU RE This year s FachPack is all about Circular Economy environmentally friendly packaging using resource conserving materials The significance for the industry segment and for all of society in general is immense in terms of costs and ecology Resource efficient use of materials for production of foils films and other sheet materials is an important topic especially with regard to reducing waste Paper cores have long provided many benefits over plastic cores which require large amounts of labour for the multiple use of materials in the recycling system Paper cores with self sticking surface are a particularly efficient and sustainably more cost effective alternative to extruded cores for example especially when used in fully automated production Start up winding of films requires no interruption of the winding process the speed can be maintained and the working step of gluing the sheet material or taping the paper core can be dispensed with entirely Once the material has been unwound a paper core can be disposed of in the paper recycling bin by the customer simple and entirely waste free The self sticking core s seamless surface prevents it from marking the material and allows every last inch of the material to be used Since no film residues remain on the core no costs accrue for removing and disposing them Nor are there any costs associated with sorting and cleaning the cores for re use Paper cores are available from the paper core specialist Paul Co with a nearly limitless variety of characteristics and diameters These cores are outstanding in terms of manufacturing precision roundness strength finishing and processing and they can be custom tailored to suit any customer requirement or production system 100 PAPER CORES ECOLOGICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY UNBEATABLE RESOURCE EFFICIENT VERSATILE
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